My friend Dr. Michael W. Fox stops by to discuss his amazing work in bioethics and his experience with animals. Dr. Fox explains the pet food companies like Purina and Pedigree are not only selling dangerously low quality pet food to our animal companions but also buying large amounts of veterinary practices. This is selling your animal companions sickness and turning around and selling them the cure. We also discuss his books and his appearances on Tonight Show with Johnny Carson in the 1970s when he was interviewed by The Muppets! This is a can’t miss episode for people who love their animals companions and a wonderful conversation with an incredible human being!
Bringing Life to Ethics: Global Bioethics for a Humane Society
Not Fit for a Dog!: The Truth About Manufactured Dog and Cat Food
President/Director, Fox’s Pen Inc., writing, consulting and lecturing on animal health, rights, and welfare, holistic and environmental health, bioethics, biotechnology and sustainable agriculture.
Buxton College, Buxton, Derbyshire, England, 1951-1957
B.Vet .Med, Royal Veterinary College, London, England, 1957-1962. Class medals in Animal Husbandry, Pre-Clinical Studies, Pathology and Fellow of the RVC Medical Assoc.
Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (MRCVS) 1962
PhD (Medicine) University of London, 1967
DSc (Ethology/Animal Behavior) University of London, 1976
House Surgeon, Cambridge University, College of Veterinary Medicine, England, January – September 1962
Post doctoral fellow, Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME, 1962-1964
Medical research associate, State Research Hospital, Galesburg, IL, 1964-1967
Assistant Prof. of Biology and Psychology, 1967-1969
Associate Prof. of Psychology, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, 1969-1976
While with The Humane Society of the United States, Washington DC, he served as:
Director, Institute for the Study of Animal Problems, 1976-1987
Scientific Director, The Humane Society of the United, 1980-1987
Director, Center for Respect of Life and Environment, 1988-1990
Vice President, Bioethics and Farm Animal Protection, 1988-1997
Senior Scholar, Bioethics, 1997-2002.
Currently he works as a consulting veterinarian, lecturer, author, conservationist, and writes the nationally syndicated weekly newspaper column Animal Doctor.
A full set of Dr. Fox’s writings through 1999 are in the Archives of American Veterinary Medicine, Iowa State University, The Parks Library, Ames, IA 50011. Also at The Royal Veterinary College, London England
Dr. Fox is profiled in Marquis’ Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in Science and Engineering and Who’s Who in the World.
Continuing Activities and Achievements:
Promoting greater public understanding and respect for companion animals, wildlife and the natural world; advancing the scientific consensus on animal awareness and the social and behavioral needs of animals in research facilities; confronting the veterinary and animal science establishment’s promotion of factory farming and developing humane and sustainable alternatives; pioneering developments in veterinary ethology and veterinary bioethics to improve human-animal relationships and animal health, welfare and protection; exposing the harmful consequences of genetic engineering biotechnology and the creation of transgenic animals; developing a spirituality and bioethics of compassion and equalitarianism toward all life as antidotes to the self-serving and anthropocentic cosmologies of the world’s major religions and dominant worldview of industrialism and consumerism. Sic luceat lux vestra.
Dr. Fox has authored over 40 books and for the last 25 years has written a nationwide syndicated newspaper column, Animal Doctor enjoying a weekly readership estimated at 10 million. He has produced numerous publications and developed several technical research programs that applied scientific methods to the investigation of the many uses of animals, notably laboratory, companion, and farmed animals. He is also a consulting veterinarian and bioethicist, and gives lectures, seminars and presentations both in the U.S. and abroad on a variety of topics related to animal welfare, animal behavior, conservation, sustainable agriculture, and bioethics. Dr. Fox has a veterinary degree (B.Vet Med) from London’s Royal Veterinary College; a PhD in medicine and a DSc in ethology/animal behavior, both from London University, England.
The Homeless Romantic Podcast