My friend Jay from Eleventh Hour Animal Rescue stops by to talk about animals!! Eleventh Hour is an organization that adopts animals from kill shelters as well as individuals. We chat about the different kinds of stories the animals have as well as how Eleventh Hour started in New Jersey. They are always accepting donations including food, toys and of course, money!
This is a great conversation with a compassionate human being.
Eleventh Hour Rescue is a fully registered 501C(3) nonprofit, volunteer based organization dedicated to saving the lives of innocent dogs and cats on death row. Many of them are rescued at their Eleventh Hour–when they are scheduled to be put to death by other shelters that can no longer care for them. We give our dogs and cats all the medical attention they require, a place to live, and through our extensive adoption services, a second chance at a happy and fulfilled life. Eleventh Hour Rescue is not subsidized by government grants and receives no major corporate funding. We rely solely on the generosity of our volunteers, the community and animal lovers everywhere.The heart-wrenching stories we read and the numbers of those we can’t help are overwhelming. Every day we are haunted by the faces of those we can’t save. We cannot stop. We will not stop, until all of the cages are empty.
In 2015, we were given the opportunity to move into the Rockaway Mall, in a space left vacant by a pet store. It houses kittens and cats and showcases them to the public during normal store hours. This adoption center has provided a tremendous opportunity for pets to be adopted quickly. The center is located inside the Rockaway Mall, on the lower level by Sears. The phone number is 973-970-0371
Eleventh Hour Rescue hosts and attends many types of events each year. First are our adoption events where our healthy, well behaved dogs and cats are brought to local events so the public can see them in hopes of getting them adopted. Some events are solely for Eleventh Hour Rescue and some are multi-agency with other rescue groups. Second are fund raising events and donation drives which take place at local businesses as well as our own facilities. Third, are awareness events. We are frequently invited to participate at events sponsored by other organizations where we will have an information table to distribute literature and discuss our mission with the general public. To see all of our upcoming events, please visit the Events tab above. In addition, follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @EHRdogsVOLUNTEERS
Eleventh Hour Rescue relies heavily on the efforts put forth by the best volunteer group ever. Many put in countless hours every week in different areas to help our homeless pets. Activities include helping at the kennel, transporting dogs to adoption events, fostering, assisting at events, fund raising, marketing, helping at the Enhanced Adoption Center at Rockaway Mall, facilities upkeep and more. We are always looking for more volunteers to assist in any capacity.
Eleventh Hour Rescue spares no expense for the medical needs of our pets. Each new arrival is inspected by our staff for general wellness and overall health. When needed, we employ the services of veterinary professionals for a wide range of conditions. From mandatory rabies vaccinations to heartworm treatment to full blown surgical procedures, we want our pets to receive all the medical care they need to enjoy a full and healthy life.
Overcrowding in local shelters around the country is the primary reason so many homeless pets are euthanized each year. We do our part in not contributing to that problem by requiring all of our adoptable pets to be spayed or neutered.
Eleventh Hour Rescue has an extensive Foster Family Program. These are volunteers who take in dogs or cats that match their lifestyle and home situation. The pets live with the Foster Family until they get adopted. Foster Families provide food, water and a warm, loving home in which the pet has an opportunity to live and thrive in a home environment. Foster Families bring their dog or cat to adoption events as much as possible to facilitate their adoption.
Eleventh Hour Rescue relies heavily on the generosity of the community. Monetary donations and supplies are critical to our continuing success. Needed supplies are listed on our website. Monetary donations can be made online at:
mailed to:
Eleventh Hour Rescue, PO Box 218, Rockaway, NJ 07866
And finally, Eleventh Hour Rescue sincerely thanks all of those who have adopted from us, all the dedicated volunteers that make up this organization, all of the donors and sponsors that allow us to continue saving pets in their time of need and all of the local communities that have supported us throughout the years. Thank you for everything you do.