The Homeless Romantic Podcast
The Homeless Romantic Podcast
Amit Singh | UK Climate Justice Activist | #63 Homeless Romantic Podcast

My friend Amit Singh stops by to chat about the climate crisis and ways to get involved. Amit has done amazing work as a climate justice activist and has confronted bad actors and corporate interests at the United Nations Climate Change Conference or COP expo. We touch on colonialism and capitalism as being at the root of all climate and biodiversity problems. We also discuss the difficulties we face from propaganda and manipulation slowing action on this important topic. Amit is a medical student soon to be a doctor and came to the realization that climate issues are also health issues and are going to continue to get worse if we don’t act now! This is an absolutely important conversation with an intelligent and passionate human being!

A medical student from the University of East Anglia, Amit has a keen interest in Global Health Policy and Advocacy. This passion has led him to be elected as the Students for Global Health National Committee Secretary 2020/21 as well as participating in policy writing and capacity building at a national and international level. More recently, it has led him to put his experience towards working as part of the UKWHO 2020 Central Committee and LonWHO 2020 Organising Committee

The Homeless Romantic Podcast