My friend Dr. Fiona Green stops by to discuss inequality, activism and capitalism. We discuss the outlook of university students and their prospects for the future. Young people everywhere a anxious and disillusioned by many things including climate change and home ownership, while the older generation seems to be in denial and a bit angry at the changing world. We also discuss Canadian reconciliation with indigenous peoples and the advancements of technology and its role in late stage-capitalism. This is a great conversation with a wonderful human being.
Dr. Fiona Joy Green is a Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies (WGS) at the University of Winnipeg, Canada. She is a White settler living on Turtle Island and identifies as a straight feminist mother, interested in feminist parenting, maternal pedagogies, gender identities, and matroreform. She holds an Interdisciplinary PhD in Education, Sociology, and Women’s Studies from the University of Manitoba, an MA in Women’s Studies from the University of York, England, and a BA in Sociology and Anthropology from the University of Winnipeg.
Dr. Green has held several academic positions, including Associate Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Chair of the Department of WGS at the University of Winnipeg. She is the founder and former Director of the Institute for Women’s and Gender Studies. In addition to her teaching at the University of Winnipeg, she is also an adjunct professor at the University of Manitoba in the Faculty of Education and in the Department of Community Health Sciences.
Dr. Green’s research interests include feminist parenting, feminist/maternal pedagogies, female genital cutting, media representations of mothers, and mommy blogging. She is the author of Practicing Feminist Mothering (ARP, 2011) and has co-edited five books addressing feminist parenting or maternal pedagogies published by Demeter Press. She is also the co-author of the website Family Blog Lines: Ta[l]king Care, which explores ways to invoke privacy values and boundary setting when thinking about family engagement with media and technologies in the liberatory tradition of feminism that recognizes advocacy and agency.
Dr. Green’s courses include Introduction to WGS, Feminisms: Background and Fundamentals, Sex, Sexuality and Science, Feminist Research Methodologies Seminar, Feminisms: Current Perspectives, Special Topics: Feminist Parenting, WGS Practicum, Special Topics: Feminist Mothering, Advanced Topics: Feminist Parenting, and Honours Thesis and Colloquium. She has also published numerous articles and book chapters, including “Domesticating Media: Safe to Curl up With?” in Parenting/Internet/Kids: Domesticating Technologies (2022), “The Motherline” in Maternal Theory: Essential Readings, 2nd edition (2021), and “Pandemic Mothering” in Maternal Theory: Essential Readings, 2nd edition (2021).
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