The Homeless Romantic Podcast
The Homeless Romantic Podcast
Dr. Karen Lloyd | Microbiologist | #62 Homeless Romantic Podcast

My friend Dr. Karen Lloyd stops by to discuss microbes and volcanoes! She is an expert in microbiology everywhere in the world from deserts, tropics to underwater! I mentioned a worm without a butt-hole in this interview, although it IS a real thing, it is NOT a microbe although we then discussed the ways microbes eat and excrete waste. Dr. Lloyd is not only an incredible mind but also incredibly patient as I fumble with the concept of the various ways scientists measure microbes as well as the myth of good microbes vs. bad microbes. This is an interesting and informative conversation with an inspiring human being!

Dr. Michael W. Fox | Veterinarian & Author | #54 HR

Dr. Jerry Vlasak | Animal Liberation Front | #50 HR

Ronnie Lee | Animal Rights Activist | A.L.F. | #59 HR

Guy McPherson Ph.D. | The End Of The World | Evolutionary Biologist | #81 HR

Chris Hudalla Ph.D. | The Health Benefits of Cannabis | Cannabis & Chemistry | #80 HR

Dr. Alan Goldhamer | Water-Fasting & Vegan Diets | TrueNorth Health Center | #75 HR

Prof. Brian Toon | How to Survive Nuclear War | Prof. of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences | #71 HR
The Homeless Romantic Podcast