My friend Shane Sterling stops by to discuss his journey in becoming a raw Vegan as well as his secrets for building mass as a weight lifter. We also discuss the idea of juice fasting and the benefits of a raw diet. He is not only fit and trim but looks incredibly young for his age and I can’t help but to think the secret is in his diet. This is an uplifting conversation with an inspiring human being!
Shane Sterling is a Raw Vegan Mentor, Mindset Coach, and an Intuitive Detox Guide. After struggling for many years with chronic gut and skin inflammation, he finally healed himself with a raw vegan diet!
He successfully removed 25 pounds of mucoid plaque and waste from his GI tract with juice fasting. Ever since then he has been on a mission to help others experience the immense healing power of juicing and raw food! Now he helps hundreds of people juice fast and remove their own mucoid plaque through his group coaching program Raw Vegan Heroes!
Connect with Shane Sterling
Website: https://www.rawveganrising.com/mystory
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rawveganrising/?hl=en
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/rawveganrising
Key Moments
0:00 Intro
3:00 The Raw Vegan Journey
6:00 The Detox
13:00 Building Muscles
15:00 Uncooked Food
20:00 The Juice Lifestyle
25:00 Staying Fit
30:00 Vibrational Foods
35:00 The Vegan Age
40:00 Favorite Raw Foods
45:00 Vegan Guidance
50:00 Is the Future Vegan?
52:00 Outro
#rawvegan #vegan #plantbased #rawfood #raw #veganfood #healthyfood #glutenfree #vegansofig #fruitarian #healthylifestyle #fruit #veganlife #veganrecipes #govegan #healthy #organic #whatveganseat #veganism #detox #healthiswealth #veganfoodshare #plantbaseddiet #rawveganfood #alkaline #cleaneating #vegetarian #veganlifestyle #rawvegansofig #dairyfree
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