My friend Professor Lee Humphreys stops by to give us a brief history of social media and communication dating back to the journaling of the 19th century. We discuss the beginning of mobile phones as well as the rise in new forms of communications an their psychological effects. We also discuss the responsibility of children’s programming including Disney and the amount of influence they inflict over the most intimate parts of our life. This is an incredibly interesting conversation with a brilliant human being!
The Qualified Self: Social Media and the Accounting of Everyday Life
Lee Humphreys is a Professor and Chair of the Department of Communication at Cornell University. She is known for her research on the social uses and perceived effects of communication technology, with a focus on mobile phone use, emerging norms on mobile social networks, and the privacy and surveillance implications of location-based services. Her recent scholarship also aims to contextualize social media within the broader history of communication practices. Dr. Humphreys employs qualitative field methods to study how people integrate communication technology in their everyday lives to facilitate identity management and social interaction.
Dr. Humphreys received her Bachelor of Science in Communication from Cornell University and her Master of Science and Doctorate from the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania. She has received several awards and honors, including the Rising Star Faculty Award from the CALS Alumni Association, Cornell, and the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Teaching.
As a member of the Department of Communication’s Outreach committee, Dr. Humphreys works closely with the Alumni Advisory Board to seek real-world and industry feedback on student support, programmatic direction, connections for research, placement of graduates, and department visibility. She also presents at various Cornell Cooperative Extension events and programs about the role of social media in outreach efforts.
Dr. Humphreys teaches various courses, including Communication Teaching Experience, Directed Research Experience, Doctoral-Level Dissertation Research, Graduate Independent Study, Independent Reading and Research, Individual Study in Communication, and Media Communication.
Dr. Humphreys’ office is located at 468 Mann Library Building, Ithaca, NY 14853. She can be reached at (607) 255-2599 or via email at lmh13@cornell.edu. For more information about her research and publications, visit her personal website. Her book “The Qualified Self: Social Media & the Accounting of Everyday Life” published by MIT Press in 2018 is a must-read for those interested in social media and digital culture.
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