Israel is Dumping Nuclear Waste in Palestine

Israel is Dumping Nuclear Waste in Palestine

Chris Jeffries accuses Israel of dumping nuclear waste in the Palestinian territories, specifically in the Hebron region of the West Bank. This alleged dumping has led to higher rates of cancer, disabilities, and deformities among the local population. The town of Yat is believed to...

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VIDEO: How The West Debt Trapped Sri Lanka

VIDEO: How The West Debt Trapped Sri Lanka

Ben Norton of Geopolitical Economy wrote an article that discusses the misleading accusations against China for Sri Lanka’s debt crises and economic instability. Contrary to popular belief, 81% of Sri Lanka’s external debt is owed to Western financial institutions and allies, while China holds only...

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The US, Israel and Ukraine | Greg J. Stoker

The US, Israel and Ukraine | Greg J. Stoker

Greg J. Stoker, he shares his personal journey from being a military participant in US imperialism to an anti-imperialist activist. He critiques the morality and effectiveness of US wars, specifically the Obama administration’s drone strike policy and the lack of accountability for civilian casualties. Stoker...

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How Anti-Depressants Ruined America | Robert Whitaker

How Anti-Depressants Ruined America | Robert Whitaker

Robert Whitaker, the author and journalist discusses the controversial link between antidepressants and suicide risk. He shares a personal story about a friend who attempted suicide after being prescribed antidepressants and explains that there is evidence dating back 30 years showing that SSRI antidepressants can...

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